Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Happy Birthday, Kyle!


May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble! May the name of the God of Jacob protect you! May he send you help from the sanctuary and give you support from Zion! May he remember all your offerings and regard with favor your burnt sacrifices! May he grant you your heart’s desire and fulfill all your plans! May we shout for joy over your salvation, and in the name of our God set up our banners! May the LORD fulfill all your petitions! (Psalm 20:1-5 ESV).


Today is a “milestone birthday” for Kyle, our oldest son. He is half a century old! I always love to celebrate with all our children and grandchildren with a devotional written that has meaning in my life. Some of you may be reading today and were not aware of the close connection between his name and Texas A&M University. You may also not be aware that the football stadium at A&M started out as a portion of campus designated for agriculture use. Edwin Jackson Kyle, an 1899 A&M graduate, was hired in 1902 as a horticulture professor. In 1904, he was also chairman of the Athletic Council. Kyle fenced off a section of his allotted campus land intended for classroom use. The Board of Directors officially designated the area as the athletic field on Nov. 10, 1904, according to A Centennial History of Texas A&M University, 1876-19176 by Henry Dethloff. Kyle funded the lumber for wooden benches, which cost $312, in October 1905, and purchased the Bryan fairground grandstand for $650 in 1907. The football field had seating for 500 people. It now seats over 100,000 people. The picture I’ve attached of Kyle standing beside the statue of Lawrence Sullivan Ross was taken after Kyle and I spent some time walking the campus reminiscing of our years there. There are so many memories built around the experiences had there.


Through all those memories there is one constant theme that runs through them all. It is this place where the journey began. Mary and I met while were students. It was her influence that ultimately brought me to a personal faith in Christ. We were married in 1969 while still students. And, after completing my seminary degree in 1973, Kyle was born. It hardly seems possible that 50 years have passed since then.


At any rate, today is special, but it is no different in the prayer I offer on his behalf that comes from our reading today. It is a petition for the Lord to bless, provide, and protect him (as well as all my family). I’m sure you pray similar prayers for your family. Perhaps this short devotional will prompt you to pray specifically for each of your family these things today. Make everyday a special day of celebrating the great gifts God has given us in our family. Happy birthday, Kyle!

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