Monday, January 31, 2011

"Who Was That Masked Man?"

With the tragic shootings in Arizona last month numerous discussions have been had about the motive of revenge. I began to think about that a bit and remembered the following humorous story illustrating the all too common desire to “get even.”

A despondent woman was walking along the beach when she saw a bottle on the sand. She picked it up and pulled out the cork. Whoosh! A big puff of smoke appeared. “You have released me from my prison,” the genie told her. “To show my thanks, I grant you three wishes. But take care, for with each wish, your mate will receive double of whatever you request.” “Why?” the woman asked. “That bum left me for another woman.” “That is how it is written,” replied the genie. The woman shrugged and then asked for a million dollars. There was a flash of light, and a million dollars appeared at her feet. At the same instant, in a far-off place, her wayward husband looked down to see twice that amount at his feet. “And your second wish?” “Genie, I want the world’s most expensive diamond necklace.” Another flash of light and the woman was holding the precious treasure. And, in that distant place, her husband was looking for a gem broker to buy his latest bonanza. “Genie, is it really true that my husband has two million dollars and more jewels than I do, and that he gets double of whatever I wish for?” The genie said it was indeed true. “Okay, genie, I’m ready for my last wish,” the woman said. “Scare me half to death.”

This week, in 1933, the first episode of “The Lone Ranger” aired all over our nation’s radios. While I am not old enough to remember those first years, I do remember gathering around the radio as a young boy and listening to the exploits of the masked man and his faithful companion, Tonto. Even to this day when I hear the William Tell Overture, I am taken back to the days of my childhood. When television came to our house, Clayton Moore and Jay Silverheels were weekly heroes as they fought for justice in the old west. Did you know that there were nearly 3,000 different episodes of “The Lone Ranger”? In each of these shows he and Tonto righted all the wrongs and taught villains that greed and prejudice will fall before justice in the end. The good guy always won! The wonderful truth is that the good guys really do always win! Listen to the promise of Scripture:

The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. The Lord examines the righteous, but the wicked, those who love violence, he hates with a passion. On the wicked he will rain fiery coals and burning sulfur; a scorching wind will be their lot. For the Lord is righteous, he loves justice; the upright will see his face. (Psalms 11:4-7 NIV).

Let me make two important observations this morning. First, we do not fight our battles alone. Even when it seems we are being forgotten and that somehow the war is bring lost, God has not abdicated His right of divine ownership. He will not leave us alone to face defeat. He will make it right in the end. Second, we need not seek revenge from those who have sought to hurt us. God will settle all accounts and right every wrong. He is our “masked man”! Like David who wrote the above psalm, can you trust in Him today? He does love justice and will see to it that it will roll down like the great waters of the earth’s mightiest waterfalls. He does extend mercy and grace, but those who refuse Him and seek to harm His children will face His wrath and punishment. Leave them in His hands today. Walk in the knowledge that you are not responsible for handing them their judgment. That will bring you real freedom.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Outward Bound Again"

“Argggg!” is the pirate’s growl as he shouts “Ahoy, Matey!” I know, you are now thinking I have really been cooped up too long. I must admit I am very much ready to be released from the doctor to a more “normal” lifestyle. Hopefully that will take place next week when I go for my final post-op appointment. In the mean time, I came across a reference while reading a book titled God of Kings, by Davis Bunn. The plot line is really not important. It’s just an adventure story of treasure hunters looking for the lost gold of the Second Jewish Temple. It’s not a bestseller, but somewhat entertaining and fairly accurate historically. In one section the main character boards a ferry and reminisces of his time at sea hunting for various treasures. Here’s the quote from this section:

Their ferry was an ancient vessel whose ulcerous wounds wept rust. He watched as they passed the harbor’s encircling arms and said, “Outward bound again. That’s what skippers of the old sailing vessels used to write in their log books when they left safe harbor and entered the deep. Outward bound.”

The old sailing vessels, treasure chests of gold, and pirates on the high seas surely have nothing to do with spiritual things. Or, do they? Think about it for a moment. Those sailors had great courage and faith in their captain. There was no technology to guide them through uncharted or unfamiliar seas. Any number of calamities could end in their death. They knew their lives were completely in the hands of the captain. And isn’t that the essence of our relationship with Christ?

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. And what more shall I say? I do not have time to tell about Gideon, Barak, Samson and Jephthah, about David and Samuel and the prophets, who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice, and gained what was promised; who shut the mouths of lions, quenched the fury of the flames, and escaped the edge of the sword; whose weakness was turned to strength; and who became powerful in battle and routed foreign armies. Women received back their dead, raised to life again. There were others who were tortured, refusing to be released so that they might gain an even better resurrection. Some faced jeers and flogging, and even chains and imprisonment. They were put to death by stoning; they were sawed in two; they were killed by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. (Hebrews 11:1; 32-40 NIV)

It is often the tragic truth that we do not venture into the deep. We remain in the safety of our “harbor.” God’s call is to the deep! John Shedd said it well, “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are for.” Exercise your faith. You will not be disappointed! Get on board we are Outward Bound!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Right On Time"

Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:12-14 NIV).

It seems I keep coming back to this very familiar passage of Scripture. It has proven to be an immense encouragement to me. Perhaps it will be so to you as well. Most of us have, in our house, a thermostat that regulates the temperature. When it gets a bit too warm, the air conditioning kicks on to bring the temperature down to an acceptable range. When the temperature drops below a comfortable point, the heater comes on to bring the room temperature up to a more comfortable level. The "comfort zone" is the range of temperature that is not too hot and not too cold, just comfortable.

Our personal comfort zone is where we are comfortable in what we are doing in our jobs, our lives, and our experiences. It is when we have no feelings of risk or anxiety. Some call it being comfortable. I believe it may better be called “a rut.”

Each of us has our own personal comfort zone. We have built-in thermostats that regulate our level of anxiety, fear, and discomfort. In the areas of our knowledge, skills, habits and attitude, when we step outside our normal, existing boundaries, we begin to feel a bit anxious. Our natural tendency is to pull back. Try this: fold your arms. Now, fold them the other way. How did that make you feel? Felt a bit unnatural, didn't it? That's why we usually stay within our comfort zone. When we try something new, we often feel uneasy about it, and frequently pull back. The security feels good.

At least one of the things I have learned over the past few months is that God is ALWAYS right on time. No matter how trying life seems to be at the moment I am convinced that as I press on in life, He finds a way to bring me more blessing than I have ever imagined possible. It is at this moment in my life that I have discovered growth taking place. That’s what happens when we step out of our “comfort zone.” Just like a muscle gets stronger when we exercise it outside its normal range of use, we get stronger when we get out of our rut. And just like our muscles, once we stretch beyond our current capabilities, we don't ever go back to our original dimensions. As we try new things, we gain confidence. Confidence makes us feel powerful and good. And when we are confident that we can survive new ideas, we allow ourselves to try even more new things.

Spend a few moments today and think about your own spiritual “ruts.” Determine to do one of those things differently today. See if it won’t stretch your spiritual muscles and cause you to grow more.

Friday, January 28, 2011

"An Everyday Survival Kit"

Listen to my words, Lord, consider my lament. Hear my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. For you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness; with you, evil people are not welcome. The arrogant cannot stand in your presence. You hate all who do wrong. (Psalm 5:1-5 NIV).

Recently Mary and I won an all-expense paid trip to Hawaii. As a part of the preparation for the trip we were sent all kinds of little things to take with us. The travel agency handling all the arrangements made sure we had all the essentials: tickets, itinerary, and emergency information. However, they also sent along some other items. One of the most interesting was the first-aid kit. It contained sunscreen, minor first-aid items, antacids, and pain relievers. Each of these was included in anticipation of a potential need while on the trip. After reading Psalm 5, I began to think of the kind of “survival kit” that the Lord would want us to pack for life. It would need to include the following items:

1. A Toothpick, to would remind you to pick out the good qualities in others. It’s always easier to see the negative in others rather than the positive. However, our lives move much better when we look for the good in others.
2. A Rubber band, to remind you to be flexible, things might not always go the way you want, but it will work out. Remember, there WILL be interruptions and changes to our schedules every day. View each one as a “divine appointment” and be flexible.
3. A Band-Aid, to remind you to heal hurt feelings, yours or someone else's. The Wisdom of Solomon still stands today: never let the sun go down on your anger.
4. A Pencil, to remind you to list your blessing everyday. Thanksgiving ought to be a daily activity, not just annual.
5. An Eraser, to remind you that everyone makes mistakes, and it's okay. The beginning of our own forgiveness is in the forgiving of others. Release them from all of their debt into the hands of your heavenly Father. He is the only one who can make it right.
6. A Stick of Chewing gum, to remind you to stick with it and you can accomplish anything. Perseverance, even when it seems that you cannot take another step will take you to your goal. “How do you eat an elephant?” the old sage rhetorically asked. In answer, he said, “One bite at a time!” It is a truth of life to be applied.
7. A Mint, to remind you that you are worth a mint to your family and friends. You are loved. Claim the acceptance of your adoption in the family of God.
8. A Candy Kiss, to remind you that everyone needs a kiss or a hug everyday.
9. A Tea Bag, to remind you to relax daily and go over that list of your blessings. All of us need that moment of being still before the Lord. It energizes us for the challenges of the day.

Pack up your “survival kit” and have a WONDERFUL trip!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

"A Friend"

There are "friends" who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24 NLV).

The following story came to me as true. Whether it is or not, it certainly gives us cause to reflect on the many opportunities we have each day to be a friend at one level or another to those we contact.

One day, when I was a freshman in high school, I saw a kid from my class was walking home from school. His name was Kyle. It looked like he was carrying all of his books. I thought to myself, "Why would anyone bring home all his books on a Friday? He must really be a nerd." I had quite a weekend planned (parties and a football game with my friends tomorrow afternoon), so I shrugged my shoulders and went on. As I was walking, I saw a bunch of kids running toward him. They ran at him, knocking all his books out of his arms and tripping him so he landed in the dirt. His glasses went flying, and I saw them land in the grass about ten feet from him. He looked up and I saw this terrible sadness in his eyes. My heart went out to him. So, I jogged over to him and as he crawled around looking for his glasses, and I saw a tear in his eye. As I handed him his glasses, I said, "Those guys are jerks. They really should get lives. " He looked at me and said, "Hey thanks!" There was a big smile on his face. It was one of those smiles that showed real gratitude. I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it turned out, he lived near me, so I asked him why I had never seen him before. He said he had gone to private school before now. I would have never hung out with a private school kid before. We talked all the way home, and I carried his books. He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted to play football on Saturday with me and my friends. He said yes. We hung all weekend and the more I got to know Kyle, the more I liked him. And my friends thought the same of him.

Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. I stopped him and said, "Damn boy, you are gonna really build some serious muscles with this pile of books everyday! " He just laughed and handed me half the books. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends. When we were seniors, began to think about college. Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. I knew that we would always be friends, that the miles would never be a problem. He was going to be a doctor, and I was going for business on a football scholarship. Kyle was valedictorian of his class. I teased him all the time about being a nerd. He had to prepare a speech for graduation. I was so glad it wasn't me having to get up there and speak. Graduation day, I saw Kyle. He looked great. He was one of those guys that really found himself during high school. He filled out and actually looked good in glasses. He had more dates than me and all the girls loved him! Boy, sometimes I was jealous. Today was one of those days. I could see that he was nervous about his speech. So, I smacked him on the back and said, "Hey, big guy, you'll be great!" He looked at me with one of those looks (the really grateful one) and smiled. "Thanks," he said. As he started his speech, he cleared his throat, and began. "Graduation is a time to thank those who helped you make it through those tough years. Your parents, your teachers, your siblings, maybe a coach…but mostly your friends. I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best gift you can give them. I am going to tell you a story." I just looked at my friend with disbelief as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to kill himself over the weekend. He talked of how he had cleaned out his locker so his Mom wouldn't have to do it later and was carrying his stuff home. He looked hard at me and gave me a little smile. "Thankfully, I was saved. My friend saved me from doing the unspeakable." I heard the gasp go through the crowd as this handsome, popular boy told us all about his weakest moment. I saw his Mom and dad looking at me and smiling that same grateful smile. Not until that moment did I realize its depth.

Everyone we come into contact with is there by divine appointment. Be a friend today.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"Echoes or Answers?"

A man was on the practice golf course when the club pro brought another man out for a lesson. The pro watched the fellow swing several times and started making suggestions for improvement, but each time the pupil interrupted with his own version of what was wrong and how to correct it. After a few minutes of this interference, the pro began nodding his head in agreement. At the end of the lesson, the student paid the pro, congratulated him on his expertise as a teacher, and left in an obviously pleased frame of mind. The observer was so astonished by the performance that he asked, "Why did you go along with him?" "Son," the old pro said with a grin, as he carefully pocketed his fee, "I learned long ago that it's a waste of time to sell answers to a man that wants to buy echoes." Solomon has some encouragement to all of us to pursue real answers, or what the Bible calls “wisdom.”

For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse. (Proverbs 2:10-12 NIV).

While the following list borders on the humorous, I think you will agree there is a great deal of wisdom to be gained from thinking through each suggestion. I found it under the title of “All I Need to Know, I Learned from Noah’s Ark.”

1. Plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.
2. Stay fit. When you're 600 years old, someone might ask you to do something REALLY big.
3. Don't listen to critics - do what has to be done.
4. Build on high ground.
5. For safety's sake, travel in pairs.
6. Two heads are better than one.
7. Speed isn't always an advantage. The cheetahs were on board, but so were the snails.
8. If you can't fight or flee - float!
9. Take care of your animals as if they were the last ones on earth.
10. Don't forget that we're all in the same boat.
11. When the doo-doo gets really deep, don't sit there and complain - shovel!
12. Stay below deck during the storm.
13. Remember that the ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by professionals.
14. If you have to start over, have a friend by your side.
15. Remember that the woodpeckers INSIDE are often a bigger threat than the storm outside.
16. Don't miss the boat.
17. No matter how bleak it looks, there's always a rainbow on the other side.

Today, ask the Lord for wisdom. His promise is to give it liberally and without questioning. Don’t settle for echoes when He desires to give you answers!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"The Paper Route"

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us. My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. (1 John 1:8-10; 2:1-2 NIV).

There is something so wonderful about the grace of God that it often defies illustration or explanation. However, it always causes me to marvel. The following is a true story I read that begins to illustrate the wonder of God’s grace:

“Forty-three years seems like a long time to remember the name of a mere acquaintance. I have duly forgotten the name of an old lady who was a customer on my paper route when I was a twelve-year-old boy in Marinette, Wisconsin back in 1954. Yet it seems like just yesterday that she taught me a lesson in forgiveness that I can only hope to pass on to someone else someday. On a mindless Saturday afternoon, a friend and I were throwing rocks onto the roof of the old lady's house from a secluded spot in her backyard. The object of our play was to observe how the rocks changed to missiles as they rolled to the roof’s edge and shot out into the yard like comets falling from the sky. I found myself a perfectly smooth rock and sent it for a ride. The stone was too smooth, however, so it slipped from my hand as I let it go and headed straight for a small window on the old lady's back porch. At the sound of fractured glass, we took off from the old lady's yard faster than any of our missiles flew off her roof. I was too scared about getting caught that first night to be concerned about the old lady with the broken porch window. However, a few days later, when I was sure that I hadn't been discovered, I started to feel guilty for her misfortune. She still greeted me with a smile each day when I gave her the paper, but I was no longer able to act comfortable in her presence. I made up my mind that I would save my paper delivery money, and in three weeks I had the seven dollars that I calculated would cover the cost of her window. I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window and hoped that the seven dollars would cover the cost for repairing it. I waited until it was dark, snuck up to the old lady's house, and put the envelope of retribution through the letter slot in her door. My soul felt redeemed and I couldn't wait for the freedom of, once again, looking straight into the old lady's eyes. The next day, I handed the old lady her paper and was able to return the warm smile that I was receiving from her. She thanked me for the paper and said, ‘Here, I have something for you.’ It was a bag of cookies. I thanked her and proceeded to eat the cookies as I continued my route. After several cookies, I felt an envelope and pulled it out of the bag. When I opened the envelope, I was stunned. Inside were the seven dollars and a short note that said, ‘I'm proud of you.’"

John Ruskin has said, “In general, pride is at the bottom of all great mistakes.” There is not one of us who have not mistakenly thrown a rock into the windowpane of God’s will for our lives. We have all sinned. It is just one of the simple truths of life. Forgiveness awaits all of those who will simple confess their sin. God restores and completely forgives us in that simple act of confession. Why don’t you go and get you “bag of cookies” today?

Monday, January 24, 2011

"Important Recall Notice"

You may remember that within the past year there have been some striking recalls from most of the major auto manufacturers. Some have been very surprising. Even Toyota, a brand some would argue is the safest automobile on the road, has had to recall thousands of its cars and truck. Read the following Scripture and then the following little imaginary “recall notice.” I think you will see a very clear principle for your daily practice.

Is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray. Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise. Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-18 NIV).

Important Recall Notice: The maker of all human beings is recalling all units manufactured, regardless of make or year, due to the serious defect in the primary and central component, or heart. This is due to a malfunction in the original prototype units, resulting in the reproduction of the same defect in all subsequent units. This defect has been technically termed, 'Subsequential Internal Non-morality,' or more commonly known as S-I-N, as it is primarily symptomized by loss of moral judgment.

Some other symptoms are: loss of direction; foul vocal emissions; amnesia of origin; lack of peace and joy; selfish or violent behavior; and, depression or confusion in the mental component. The manufacturer, who is neither liable or at fault for this defect, is providing factory authorized repair and service, free of charge, to correct this S-I-N defect, at numerous locations throughout the world. The number to call for the recall station in your area is: P-R-A-Y-E-R.

WARNING: Continuing to operate the human unit without correction voids manufacturer's warranty, exposing owner to dangers and problems too numerous to list, and will result in the human unit being permanently destroyed. For free emergency service: Kneel and call on the name of J-E-S-U-S for prompt assistance at any location worldwide.

The humor of this “recall notice” should not be lost in the reality of the truth that ALL of us are in need of repair! Only Jesus offers the solution to our problems. Come to Him now!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

"The Cracked Pot"

I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to be gained, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell. I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about myself, except about my weaknesses. Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Corinthians 12:1-10 NIV).

A water bearer in India had two large pots; each hung on each end of a pole, which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long walk from the stream to the master's house, the cracked pot arrived only half full. For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his master's house. Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect to the end for which it was made. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do. After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to you." "Why?" asked the bearer. "What are you ashamed of?" "I have been able, for these past two years, to deliver only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your master's house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work, and you don't get full value from your efforts," the pot said. The water bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot, and in his compassion he said, "As we return to the master's house, I want you to notice the beautiful flowers along the path." Indeed, as they went up the hill, the old cracked pot took notice of the sun warming the beautiful wild flowers on the side of the path, and this cheered it some. But at the end of the trail, it still felt bad because it had leaked out half its load, and so again it apologized to the bearer for its failure. The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your path, but not on the other pot's side? That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I took advantage of it. I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back from the stream, you've watered them. For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate my master's table. Without you being just the way you are, he would not have this beauty to grace his house."

Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But if we will allow it, the Lord will use our flaws to grace His Father's table. In God's great economy, nothing goes to waste. So as you seek the Lord today, remember He has appointed you to a task; don't be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge them, and allow Him to take advantage of them, and you, too, can be the cause of beauty in His pathway. Go out boldly, knowing that in our weakness we find His strength.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

"What Kind of Bird Are You?"

O Israel, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? How can you say God refuses to hear your case? Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:27-31 NLV).

There is a little island off the coast of British Columbia whose stony crags are inhabited by a species of bird called the "puffin." It is a tufted small bird, a tufted puffin. The most amazing characteristic of this bird is its habit of living in that spot only. Take it away from that area and it cannot survive. It has no resistance. This tufted puffin is so fragile that is cannot endure or overcome stress. It dies if you take it away from its normal habitat.

What kind of bird are you? Are you a tufted puffin, or are you an eagle? God’s desire for all of us is that we rise above the routine of our life and conquer the stress that seeks to invade our souls attacking our well being and peace of mind. I know that I have used the above Scripture previously, but today I thought it might need to be revisited for just a few moments. When Isaiah wrote these words the people were very discouraged. It appeared that their entire way of life would soon end. They faced the Assyrians who wanted nothing less than complete domination of their land and their future. They did not have enough resources to fend off this vast enemy form the north. Perhaps you feel that way as well today. The enemy has surrounded you and you feel as if there is no means of escape. I have good news for you this morning!

There is a poem by Victor Hugo called "Wings":

Be like the bird that,
Pausing in its flight awhile
On boughs too light,
Feels them give way,
Yet sings!
Knowing she hath wings.

Do you have wings? Of course you have. Your wings are your faith and belief in your heavenly Father. And you can soar to your destination if you'll only give your life to Him. Through frustration and despair you tie your wings, and you cannot get off the ground. This morning, surrender to the truth of God’s provision for you. Wait on the Lord. Take the time to pray and praise Him right now. He desires to lighten the load and allow you to take up flight above and beyond all your circumstance. He desires you to succeed; to rise above fear, to rise above the stress, turning your life into a continuous creative opportunity. Now, take a deep breath and receive His presence into your life!

Friday, January 21, 2011

"Boat Building"

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. What can we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us? Can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or are hungry or cold or in danger or threatened with death? No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from his love. Death can't, and life can't. The angels can't, and the demons can't. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can't keep God's love away. Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:28; 31;35-39, NLV).

In his book Celebrations of Life, Rene Dubos says that we fear change more today than ever before, and for less reason. “The reason you fear change is because you are afraid that you will be worse off as a result. No one fears change that implies improvement. For example, if you learned that you were going to have to change your life-style because you had just won a lottery, this is not the kind of change that you would avoid or anticipate with dread. It is change that implies unpleasant surprises that you fear and become anxious about because it causes you to feel that you have lost a certain amount of control in that part of your life.”

I have often said that fear of the future is the greatest thief of our joy and peace in the present. Change is the tool that the devil uses to tempt us to embrace that fear. Boat builders know that the deeper the keel of a sailing vessel, the more stable it will be in storms, squalls and gusts of wind. The same holds true for us. The deeper our keel, or the stabilizing factors in our lives, the less likely it is that we will be blown over, or off course, when unexpected change occurs. Here are some practical things for you to do so that you can build your boat with a deep keel:

1. First, set some goals. You can deepen your keel and increase your stability by setting big goals for yourself and making clear, written plans for their accomplishment. Goals enable you to control the direction of change. With goals, change becomes planned and deliberate, instead of random and haphazard. Goals assure that the changes that take place in your life are primarily self-determined and self-directed. With clear, specific goals, the changes that take place will tend to be positive and move you toward something that you want to achieve, rather than blow you off course.

2. Second, stay focused. If you set clear goals for your work, for your family life and for your personal development, then no matter what happens, you can concentrate your thinking on your goals and take a long-term view of your current circumstances. You can, in effect, rise above the challenges of the moment.

3. Third, develop resilience. This is the most difficult of the steps. It requires a clear idea of where you're going and what you want to accomplish. This will allow you to bounce back rather than to break. You will develop what is called the "hardy personality" and become the type of person who is resistant to the negative emotions that affect people who have no goals or direction. You must embrace the truth that change is a reality. Acceptance of this keeps your mind calm and positive. William James said, "The starting point in dealing with any difficulty is to be willing to have it so." The minute you accept that a change has occurred, and that you can't cry over spilled milk, you become more capable of dealing with the change and turning it to your advantage.

W. Clement Stone, the founder of Combined Insurance Company of America, is famous for his attitude of being an "inverse paranoid." He is convinced that everything that happens is part of a conspiracy to help him to be more successful. Whenever something unexpected occurs, he immediately says, "That's good!" and then looks into the situation to find out exactly what is good about it. Listen again to the Scripture: “God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.”

Thursday, January 20, 2011

"How Much Does a Prayer Weigh?"

Louise Redden, a poorly dressed lady with a look of defeat on her face, walked into a grocery store. She approached the owner of the store in a most humble manner, and asked if he would let her charge a few groceries. She softly explained that her husband was very ill and unable to work, they had seven children and they needed food. John Longhouse, the grocer, scoffed at her and requested that she leave his store. Visualizing the family needs, she said, “Please, sir! I will bring you the money just as soon as I can." John told her he could not give her credit, as she did not have a charge account at his store. Standing beside the counter was a customer who overheard the conversation between the two. The customer walked forward and told the groceryman that he would stand good for whatever she needed for her family. The grocer man said in a very reluctant voice, "Do you have a grocery list? Louise replied, "Yes sir." "O.K.", he said, "put your grocery list on the scales and whatever your grocery list weighs, I will give you that amount in groceries." Louise, hesitated a moment with a bowed head, then she reached into her purse and took out a piece of paper and scribbled something on it. She then laid the piece of paper on the scale carefully with her head still bowed. The eyes of the groceryman and the customer showed amazement when the scales went down and stayed down. The groceryman staring at the scales turned slowly to the customer, and said begrudgingly, "I can't believe it." The customer smiled and the groceryman started putting the groceries on the other side of the scales. The scale did not balance so he continued to put more and more groceries on them until the scales would hold no more. The groceryman stood there in utter disgust. Finally, he grabbed the piece of paper from the scales and looked at it with greater amazement. It was not a grocery list, it was a prayer, which said, "Dear Lord, you know my needs and I am leaving this in your hands." The groceryman gave her the groceries that he had gathered and placed on the scales and stood in stunned silence. Louise thanked him and left the store. The customer handed a fifty-dollar bill to John as he said, "It was worth every penny of it." It was sometime later that John Longhouse discovered the scales were broken; therefore, only God knows how much a prayer weighs!

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. (Romans 8:26-30 NIV).

There have been those times when I have not known what to pray. During some of those times, I must confess I wasn’t sure that my prayers really could make any difference. But, the good news is that it does make a difference! Since the Holy Spirit is leaning into the ear of our heavenly Father on our behalf, our prayers REALLY mean something. No wonder the apostle could say with absolute confidence that “God causes everything to work for our good.” Claim that promise today and receive the peace of God in your life!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Five Finger Prayers"

I read a wonderful little story from a pastor in another city. It illustrates the need for sincere prayer. He wrote:

Last week I took my children to a restaurant. My six-year-old son had asked if he could say grace. As we bowed our heads he said, "God is good. God is great. Thank you for the food, and I would even thank you more if Mom gets us ice cream for dessert. And Liberty and justice for all, amen." Along with the laughter from the other customers nearby, I heard a woman remark, "That's what's wrong with this country. Kids today don't even know how to pray. Asking God for ice cream. Why, I never." Hearing this, my son burst into tears and asked me, "Did I do it wrong? Is God mad at me?" I held him and assured him that he had done a terrific job and God was certainly not mad at him. An elderly gentleman approached the table. He winked at my son and said, "I happen to know that God thought that was a great prayer." "Really?”, my son asked. "Cross my heart." Then in a theatrical whisper he added (indicating the woman whose remark had started this whole thing), "Too bad she never asks God for ice cream. A little ice cream is good for the soul sometimes." Naturally, I bought my kids ice cream at the end of the meal. My son stared at his for a moment and then did something I will remember the rest of my life. He picked up his sundae and without a word walked over and placed it in front of the woman. With a big smile he told her, "Here, this is for you. Ice cream is good for the soul sometimes, and my soul is good already."

Jesus had a great deal to say about the sincerity of our prayer life.

And now about prayer. When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I assure you, that is all the reward they will ever get. But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father secretly. Then your Father, who knows all secrets, will reward you. When you pray, don't babble on and on as people of other religions do. They think their prayers are answered only by repeating their words again and again. Don't be like them, because your Father knows exactly what you need even before you ask him! (Matthew 6:5-8 NLV).

But how do we pray sincerely. Let me make a few suggestions based on your five fingers.

1. Your thumb is nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, "a sweet duty."
2. The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.
3. The next finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.
4. The fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger; as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.
5. And lastly comes our little finger; the smallest finger of all. Which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, "the least shall be the greatest among you." Your pinky should remind you to pray for yourself.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"God's Love Letter"

"And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love, lives in God, and God in him." (1 John 4:16 NIV)

When we moved into our present house we boxed up a lot of memorabilia and keepsakes for storage in Kyle’s basement. Among some of the things I had were dozens of cards and letters. Some of them were kind letters and notes of appreciation from friends and members of churches I had pastored over the past four decades; others were cards that I had received from Mary and the boys on birthdays, Father’s Day, and anniversaries. I couldn’t help but leaf through the pages and read some of the notes that were written over the years. There were funny notes, a poem, long and short notes, and there were the usual ones expressing gratitude and appreciation for some ministry performed. I must admit some of them were short and impersonal, but others were more personal notes from family expressing love. Oh, it was nothing mushy or sizzling. Yet, it was there, the sentiment, the feeling, and the warmth, all to be recalled in an instant.

All love is like that. Once it is expressed it becomes too great a feeling to repress. It has to come out of the soul demonstrating in a tangible way the overflow of emotion. A letter, a gift, a hug, a kiss, a touch. It has to come out in positive beauty for the recipient to see, feel, and make a response. And that's the fun part of love - receiving and responding to the affection. It is the hurried rush to the mailbox. Or, the impatience for the love-mail to download off the internet. It is the smile, the gift, the touch, the hug, the kiss. It's power overwhelms logic and reason. The Scripture speaks of its mighty force: "Love burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away" (Song of Songs 8:6-7).

Two of the greatest if not the greatest needs in the human soul are to give love and receive love. Love from another affirms our worth as human beings. All of us have an old love letter to cherish. No, it is not from your sweetheart. It is two thousand years old with its origin in eternity. This letter of love was written by God himself. It is not pinned with ink on paper. It is written from the bloodstains of His dear Son expressing the feeling that our great God has for us. It is beyond dispute or debate. We don't have to wonder if we are loved any longer. We don't have to wonder if we are worth anything or if we are unlovable or lovable. WE ARE LOVED!

It affirms our value. Someone has said, “The floods around us may uproot that which we hold dear and cherish, but the raging torrent can never quench the fire God has put in our soul from his love for us.” Like a lover in love, we rush to read his mail to us. We long to be in his presence feeling empty and incomplete without him. We receive his affection and enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise that He, the Almighty, the Creator, the King of kings and Lord of lords loves us. Receive His love and be affirmed. Express your love to Him and be complete. Laugh, giggle, enjoy and experience again and again his love letter to us. When your heart condemns you, affirm that God is greater than your heart and rest in his presence. When you have failed, know that God's love never fails you. When you feel orphaned and alone, know that great is the love that the Father has lavished upon us to call us His children. When you have been hurt deeply and are afraid to love again, know that God's love for you drives out fear to enable you to give love again. When you begin to doubt yourself and feel unlovable and unloved, remember God loves you! So, sit down awhile. You are not as in a big a hurry as you thought you were. Read God's love letter with Jesus by your side. Enjoy and reminisce as your heart soaks in his love making you long for the moment when you shall see Him face to face and know him even as he is known.

Monday, January 17, 2011

"Faith That Can Move Mountains"

In the Indiana Jones movie, The Quest for The Holy Grail, Indy finds himself at the precipice of a bottomless chasm. On the other side of the abyss stands the sacred temple in which the cup of Christ awaits him. Indy has searched the entire world for the Holy Grail, defied all kinds obstacles, like rats, skeletons and villains, nearly lost his father, and risked death many times to come to this point. Now he is so close and yet so far. Standing alone, looking down into this endless gorge, he remembers the instruction that was foretold to help him when he reached this point in his journey: take a step of faith. Indy takes a deep breath and steps out over the chasm. He sees nothing to stand on, but he decides to follow the advice to trust. As soon as he leans out over the abyss, a bridge appears and he finds himself fully supported on a solid mass. The entire chasm, which seemed quite impossible to mortal eyes, was but a test of faith. The bridge was there all along, but it could only be seen by those who stepped onto it. Faith is the vision of things unseen. Only those who see the invisible can do the impossible. I wonder how many bridges we have not crossed because we couldn't see them? Read the words of Jesus:

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain, a huge crowd was waiting for them. A man came and knelt before Jesus and said, "Lord, have mercy on my son, because he has seizures and suffers terribly. He often falls into the fire or into the water. So I brought him to your disciples, but they couldn't heal him." Jesus replied, "You stubborn, faithless people! How long must I be with you until you believe? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me." Then Jesus rebuked the demon in the boy, and it left him. From that moment the boy was well. Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?" "You didn't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seed you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." (Matthew 17:14-21 NLV).

Perhaps it’s a stubborn habit that you have fought against all of your life; faith can move that mountain. Or, maybe it’s some challenge you simply cannot seem to overcome in life; faith can move that mountain also. Faith in Jesus does not mean that the challenge or trial will be removed, as much as it means God will show us the bridge to walk across to the other side.

There was a tightrope walker, who did incredible aerial feats. All over Paris, he would do tightrope acts at tremendously scary heights. Then he had succeeding acts; he would do it blindfolded, then he would go across the tightrope, blindfolded, pushing a wheelbarrow. An American promoter read about this in the papers and wrote a letter to the tightrope walker, saying, “Sir, I don’t believe you can do it, but I’m willing to make you an offer. For a very substantial sum of money, besides all your transportation fees, I would like to challenge you to do your act over Niagara Falls.” Now, the tightrope walker wrote back, “Sir, although I’ve never been to America and seen the Falls, I’d love to come.” Well, after a lot of promotion and setting the whole thing up, many people came to see the event. The tightrope walker was to start on the Canadian side and come to the American side. Drums roll, and he comes across the rope which is suspended over the treacherous part of the falls—blindfolded! And he makes it across easily. The crowds go wild, and he comes to the promoter and says, “Well, sir, now do you believe I can do it?” “Well of course I do. I mean, I just saw you do it.” “No,” said the tightrope walker, “do you really believe I can do it?” “Well of course I do, you just did it.” “No, no, no,” he said, “do you believe I can do it?” “Yes,” said the promoter, “I believe you can do it.” “Good,” said the tightrope walker, “then you get in the wheelbarrow.” The Greek word, believe, means “to live by.” The kind of faith that moves mountains is that which causes us to get into the wheelbarrow that Christ is pushing. Claim the promise of God: nothing is impossible as we exercise the faith we have been given in Christ.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Suriviving or Thriving?" (Part 3)

In the previous two mornings we looked at two practical things we may do to thrive in the midst of life’s trials. Today we will see a third: if we want to do more than merely survive in life we must learn to exercise the faith available to us. The story of Bartimaeus provides this last principle also.

And so they reached Jericho. Later, as Jesus and his disciples left town, a great crowd was following. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus from Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" "Be quiet!" some of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, "Tell him to come here." So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said. "Come on, he's calling you!" Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked. "Teacher," the blind man said, "I want to see!" And Jesus said to him, "Go your way. Your faith has healed you." And instantly the blind man could see! Then he followed Jesus down the road. (Mark 10:46-52 NLV).

Notice, Bartimaeus’ boldness grabbed Jesus’ attention. His boldness and enthusiasm were almost impossible to miss. However, the reason that Jesus healed Bartimaeus was not because of his boldness, but because of his faith. It was Bartimaeus’ faith that triggered Jesus’ healing power. Jesus said to Bartimaeus, "Go, your faith has healed you."

Bartimaeus knew exactly what he wanted. For that reason, he did not hesitate to speak to Jesus about it. Through prayer, we have this same privilege. The prophet reminds us, "Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." (cf. Jeremiah 33:3). Paul told us, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." (cf. Philippians 4:6).

Requesting something of Jesus or speaking to Jesus is not enough. The rich young ruler did that, yet he remained unchanged. Complete faith is obedient faith. Mark tells us that when Bartimaeus received his sight, he "followed Jesus along the road." Can you imagine the testimony that his eyesight must have been as he told others the impact that Jesus had in his life?

A missionary, in a very isolated area of Africa, performed surgery on a poor blind man. The surgery was successful and his sight was restored. Several days after the operation the man disappeared from the hospital. Everyone was quite concerned for his well being. Then, a few days later, the missionary opened his door and there stood the man who had been operated on. The man was holding a rope. On the other end of the rope were ten more blind people. My dear friends, you need not settle for less! You need not muddle through life partly on track, partly off track. Don’t just survive, thrive! Thrive through Jesus Christ and your faith in Him. Exercise the faith you have. It will be enough in the power of the Holy Spirit!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Surviving or Thriving?" (Part 2)

Yesterday we began looking at the practical principles found in the story of blind Bartemaeus’ healing in order to determine how we might do more than merely survive in life. God wants us to thrive! The first of these was that we must learn to makes the most of the opportunities God provides for us. Today, we will look at the second principle. If we are to genuinely thrive in the midst of every circumstance in life, we must learn to minimize the negative voices that clatter around us. Let’s go back to the story:

And so they reached Jericho. Later, as Jesus and his disciples left town, a great crowd was following. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus (son of Timaeus) was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus from Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" "Be quiet!" some of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, "Tell him to come here." So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said. "Come on, he's calling you!" Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked. "Teacher," the blind man said, "I want to see!" And Jesus said to him, "Go your way. Your faith has healed you." And instantly the blind man could see! Then he followed Jesus down the road. (Mark 10:46-52 NLV).

Now, notice the crowd’s reaction when Bartimaeus cried out for help. Mark said, "Many rebuked him and told him to be quiet." The crowd had Bartimaeus stereotyped. In their eyes, he would never be anything more than a blind beggar. In their eyes, he would never be anything but poor and wretched. The crowd thought that their question was fair: Why would this Rabbi want to waste His time with such an outcast? We do the same thing today, we judge people by what we see on the outside. Bartimaeus was judged because he was blind, poor, and did not seem to fit into society. He was talked about, rejected, and put down because he was not like the others. However, I appreciate Bartimaeus’ reaction. He persisted. He would not give up. Mark said, "He shouted all the more, Son of David, have mercy on me." Bartimaeus was not going to let a bunch of negative, critical, heckling bystanders rob him of his dream of sight.

Robert Fulton invented the steamboat. When he first presented his new invention, he had plenty of critics crowded on the riverbank. The critics yelled, "It’ll never start, it’ll never start." Fulton proved them wrong. After a lot of clanking and groaning, the steamboat started up and moved down the river. The critics were quiet momentarily. Then they rallied together and started yelling, "It’ll never stop, it’ll never stop."

We must never try to please those who would criticize us. Why? Simple. We will never be able to do so. You are going to be criticized. It is so difficult not to listen to that criticism. As you are criticized, as you face the negative crowd, follow the example of Bartimaeus and Robert Fulton. Use it. Grow from it. Move forward despite it. Don’t let it hold you back. Seize the opportunities placed before you by God. Don’t be limited by the negative criticism of others.

Friday, January 14, 2011

"Surviving or Thriving?"

A young man, who had worked for years on the railroad, wanted a job as a signalman for the railroad. For his interview, he was told to meet the inspector at the signal box. The inspector asked him, "What would you do if you realized that two trains were heading toward each other on the same track?" The young man said, "That’s easy. I would switch the points for one of the trains." The inspector then asked, "What if the lever broke?" The young man said, "Then I’d jump down out of the signal box and I’d use the manual lever over there." Next, the inspector said, "What if the lever had been struck by lightning?" The young man said, "Then, I would run to the signal box and phone the next signal box to let them know what was happening." The inspector continued on, "What if the phone was busy?" The young man said, "Well, in that case, I would rush down out of the signal box and use the public emergency phone at the crossing up there." Then, the inspector said, "What would you do if the public emergency phone had been vandalized?" The young man said, "Oh, well, then I would run into town and get my uncle." That answer puzzled the inspector. So, he asked, "Why would you go get your uncle?" The young man answered, "That’s simple. Because he’s never seen a train crash before."

It’s very easy to feel like your life is headed toward a crash. The crash may be a personality crash in a marriage or at work. The crash may be a financial crash or an employment crash. Whatever it is, life seems to have come unglued and untracked. However, it doesn’t need to remain that way. You can have some control in your life. There is hope in Christ Jesus our Lord! Jesus gave us an example of a man who must have felt the same way as many of us, but who had his life turned around by the power of Jesus Christ. In this passage, Jesus showed us how one man’s life was miraculously changed when he encountered Jesus.

And so they reached Jericho. Later, as Jesus and his disciples left town, a great crowd was following. A blind beggar named Bartimaeus was sitting beside the road as Jesus was going by. When Bartimaeus heard that Jesus from Nazareth was nearby, he began to shout out, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Be quiet!" some of the people yelled at him. But he only shouted louder, "Son of David, have mercy on me!" When Jesus heard him, he stopped and said, "Tell him to come here.” So they called the blind man. "Cheer up," they said. "Come on, he's calling you!" Bartimaeus threw aside his coat, jumped up, and came to Jesus. "What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked.” Teacher," the blind man said, "I want to see!" And Jesus said to him, "Go your way. Your faith has healed you." And instantly the blind man could see! Then he followed Jesus down the road. (Mark 10:46-52 NLV).

In the next few days we’ll look at some of the practical things Jesus did and taught to help us thrive instead of simply survive. There are three things we’ll explore in the coming mornings.

The first of these is that we must learn to makes the most of the opportunities God provides for us. Do you recognize the name Levi Strauss? His name has become a household name today. However, his name is not known the way he wanted it to be known. Like many other men in the 1840s and 50s, Levi Strauss went to California in hopes of making his fortune. He went to California to look for gold. He did make a fortune, but not the way he had planned. Strauss left his home with a load of heavy canvas fabric. He planned to sell his fabric for tents and wagon covers. When he set up his place of business, the first miner who came in said, "You should have brought pants." Strauss, who had been in California for only a few days, had no idea what the miner meant. So, the miner explained to him that there weren’t any pants strong enough to endure the arduous conditions of mining. He immediately took the heavy canvas fabric that he had brought with him and made the miner a pair of work pants. Within days, Levi Strauss struck gold. Not the bright, shiny gold found in the ground or rivers, but the gold of opportunity. Today, his name has become a legend in the garment industry.

There’s an important truth that we must understand at this point. Opportunities only become realities when we embrace them. God may offer something to us numerous times; however, if we refuse to accept it, the opportunity will be missed. An opportunity must be seized, grabbed, accepted, taken. Bartimaeus accepted the opportunity that was presented by Jesus. How about you? This really is the first step to move from merely surviving to thriving!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"The Soft Hands of God"

After such a long period of inactivity while recovering from surgery I have found my hands and feet have developed very dry skin. With winter coming a bit early in Middle Tennessee the dry air of the heater has made it even worse. Mary’s recommendation of lotion has made very good sense!

That whole episode got me to thinking. You can tell a lot about people by their hands. You can get a clue to a person’s self image by their handshake. The confident person has a solid grip. And the person who lacks confidence barely grips your hand at all. The nervous or hyper person often reveals it by their shaking hands, gnawed fingernails or constantly moving hands. You can see tell a calm and confident person by the absence of these things. Their hands are steady. You can gain an insight into the kind of work that a person does by their hands. A person who does physical and strenuous labor has hands that have calluses. They are rough and have become so because of the constant stress their hands are put through. Others who do delicate work have hands that are extremely sensitive to touch.

I know it seems like I am pretty far afield, but I need to give you an image that you can relate to this morning. In order to understand God we must sometimes think in terms of opposites. That’s the case this morning. We need to see that God is beyond us and independent of us, but at the same time He has made Himself near. He is strong yet tender. He is powerful but yet has soft hands. Here’s the image Isaiah brings to us:

“Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed out the mountains and the hills? Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord? Who knows enough to be his teacher or counselor? Has the Lord ever needed anyone's advice? Does he need instruction about what is good or what is best? No, for all the nations of the world are nothing in comparison with him. They are but a drop in the bucket, dust on the scales. He picks up the islands as though they had no weight at all. All Lebanon's forests do not contain sufficient fuel to consume a sacrifice large enough to honor him. All Lebanon's sacrificial animals would not make an offering worthy of our God. The nations of the world are as nothing to him. In his eyes they are less than nothing – mere emptiness and froth. O Israel, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles? How can you say God refuses to hear your case? Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; he offers strength to the weak. Even youths will become exhausted, and young men will give up. But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:12-17; 27-31, NLV).

In order to describe God’s unique character I need to give you two theological words this morning. The first word is "transcendence". Transcendence means literally, "to climb across." It is defined as "exceeding the usual limits." When we speak of the transcendence of God we are talking about that sense in which God is above and beyond us. He is higher than the world. He has absolute power over the world. The world has no power over Him. Transcendence describes God in His consuming majesty, His exalted loftiness. He is an infinite cut above everything else. This is the description Isaiah uses in the first part of today’s passage. However, there is a second word I want to give you today. It is the word "immanent". The dictionary defines immanence as: "existing in, and extending into, all parts of the created world." When we say that God is immanent we are affirming that God is close to us. Though God is great and far superior and different from us, He is also personal. He condescends (or lowers Himself) to be close to us and to be known by us.

This is the astounding thing about the Christian faith. We affirm that God is Creator, He is supreme, He is above us and yet, "He walks with me and talks with me, and tells me that I am His own." Let me say it another way: God has soft hands AND strong arms! No wonder the prophet says, "But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.” Let Him hold you in His hands today!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

"Chicken Little"

Do you remember the following Nursery Rhyme? It has been the inspiration for many spoofs concerning the pessimistic doomsayers through the last century.

Chicken Little
Stood around
Underneath a tree.
Something fell and
Hit her head.
She said, "Goodness me!"
"Oh my goodness!"
She did screech.
"The sky is falling!”

There is so much to be gained from an optimistic, faith-filled attitude in our lives. From his prison cell in Rome, the Apostle Paul had this to say to the church at Philippi:

“Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again – rejoice! Let everyone see that you are considerate in all you do. Remember, the Lord is coming soon. Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, let me say one more thing as I close this letter. Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right. Think about things that are pure and lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:4-8 NLV).

I know it is a lot easier said than done, but there are some very practical things that we can do in our lives to “always be full of joy.” And the keys to each of them are found in Paul’s advice to this young church. Try each of them this week and see if you don’t find yourself more joyful than every before.

1. First, we ought to stop "catastrophizing." In other words, stop turning small personal flaws, minor negative experiences, or mistakes into major catastrophes. There are certainly times when we are called on to face a catastrophe, however I have found it to be true in my life that often I tend to view every immediate challenge as much more than it really turns out to be. Resist the temptation to be like “Chicken Little.”

2. Second, we ought to stop personalizing everything that goes wrong. Though you may exert influence in some situations, you don't have the ability to control people and events. Things can be out of your control. And not everything that goes wrong is your fault.

3. Third, we ought to stop mind reading! You cannot assume what others are thinking or feeling. When we find ourselves trying to second guess what others are thinking, often we plunge ourselves into negative patterns of thought. Assume the best in every situation until proven otherwise.

4. And, fourth, we ought to stop predicting the future. Besides the danger of setting into motion a “self-fulfilling prophecy,” we also rob ourselves of the wonderful joy God has for us in this present moment.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Never Forgotten"

An elderly couple went to the doctor complaining about their memory loss. The doctor explained it is normal, and suggested they try and write things down. In the evening the husband said, "I'm going to get something to snack on. Do you want something?" "I'll take some ice cream please," said the wife. He started off and she said, "Better write that down." He said, "No need." She added, "Put some strawberries on top, and write this down." He said, "No need." Again she added, "I need some nuts on that too. Better write it down." He gave her a look. Much later he returned with bacon and eggs. "I told you to write it down, " she said, "Where is my toast?"

The older I become, the more truth there is to this humorous little story. We do tend to forget more easily as we grow older. However, we do not have a God who forgets! The prophet Isaiah spoke to the people of Israel long ago about this very truth.

“Sing for joy, O heavens! Rejoice, O earth! Burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord has comforted his people and will have compassion on them in their sorrow. Yet Jerusalem says, ‘The Lord has deserted us; the Lord has forgotten us.’ But the Lord answers, ‘Never! Can a mother forget her nursing child? Can she feel no love for a child she has borne? But even if that were possible, I would not forget you! See, I have written your name on my hand.’” (Isaiah 49:13-17 NLV).

Deep in our hearts we believe in a good God. Yet how shallow is our understanding of His goodness, especially since we see many things that seem to deny it. It is then that we must return to the truth of Scripture and trust in the eternal memory of our heavenly Father. Corrie Ten Boom illustrates this point for us. She wrote:

“Often I have heard people say, ‘How good God is! We prayed that it would not rain for our church picnic, and look at the lovely weather!’ Yes, God is good when He sends good weather. But God was also good when He allowed my sister, Betsie, to starve to death before my eyes in a German concentration camp. I remember one occasion when I was very discouraged there. Everything around us was dark, and there was darkness in my heart. I remember telling Betsie that I thought God had forgotten us. ‘No, Corrie,’ said Betsie, ‘He has not forgotten us. Remember His Word: “For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.” ” Corrie concludes, “There is an ocean of God’s love available—there is plenty for everyone. May God grant you never to doubt that victorious love—whatever the circumstances.”

Long ago I developed the habit of writing reminders and notes on my hand. You may be thinking, “That’s what my notebook on my Black Berry is for.” I’ve got one of those, and I do know how to use those functions. However, the key for me is I can’t ever lose my hand! God’s writes our names on His hand so that we will ever be before Him. He will NEVER forget us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

"A Prescription for Life" (Part 5)

So far in this little series we have looked at two of the three practical ways to experience God’s prescription for life and the resulting joy and peace. The first was trusting in God, the second, was taking delight in the Lord. Today we will look at the third of those: we must commit ourselves to Him in obedience.

“Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.” (Psalm 37:3-5 NLV).

Usually when people talk about being obedient to the Lord a list of “do’s and don’ts” quickly follow. There certainly are very valid commandments found in the Scripture, but God’s prescription for life is much deeper and broader than just keeping the commandments. When Jesus spoke with the rich young man who had asked what he might do to inherit eternal life, He told the young man that he needed to give away everything he had and take follow Him. It was a clear indication of the kind of commitment Jesus expects from His followers. And, I know you’re asking, “But how do I do that?” I believe it all begins in prayer, unceasing and consistent prayer. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Do no be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6). That’s the final part of God’s prescription for life!

Christine Burke in Major League Dad wrote the following story after her husband, Tim Burke was traded from the Montreal Expos to an AA team in Nashville. “In his worst starting inning, he allowed Chattanooga to score 4 runs. That evening Tim said, ’After tonight, there’s a strong chance I’ll be released. I could be out of baseball for good.’ ’Tim,’ I told him, ’maybe we need to turn your career over to the Lord.’ Tim responded without hesitation, ’That’s a good idea.’ On our knees by our kitchen table, Tim prayed: ’Lord, I never even thought about you caring about this stuff. If I’m holding on to baseball too much, help me to let it go. But if you want me to keep going, I’ll fight to make it. You know best.’ Then I said, ’Lord, if You’ll give Tim the strength and opportunity, he’ll give it his all. But if it’s not your will for us to stay in baseball, please show us what you have next for our lives.’ When we finished, we still had no idea what lay ahead, but we had a new sense of peace" - and Tim didn’t lose another game all season.”

That new sense of peace was the real answer to prayer, not that he won the rest of his games. Remember where we began a few days ago? Satan also has a prescription for us to use in life. His prescription leads to death, not life. A well-paid young executive dreamed he died and stood at the Pearly Gates. Peter asks him, “Do you want to go to heaven or to hell?” “Let me know my options,” he says. “Show me hell.” And up pops a giant screen with a video playing. Girls in bikinis and well-built guys are playing volleyball on the beach. Coolers are iced down with beer. Everybody is wearing brand-name clothes and driving a BMW. Then he asks for a glimpse of heaven, only to notice that the video is still running. It pans upward and shows a park filled with old people sitting on benches, feeding the birds and playing checkers – with angels in the background. “Uh, very nice,” the guy mutters, “but I think I prefer hell.” And immediately, he is plunged into molten lava! In agonizing pain, he hollers at Peter, “Hey, where’s the beach and the babes? What about the beer and the cars?” “Sorry,” Peter says, “What you saw was the demo tapes sent up by Satan.” That’s really what you call false advertising. And that seems to be the devil’s specialty in life. The only “good life” that is truly good is to be found in trusting the Lord, committing one’s life to the Lord, and delighting in Him. This morning, close with the following wisdom from Solomon:

“My child, never forget the things I have taught you. Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life. Never let loyalty and kindness get away from you! Wear them like a necklace; write them deep within your heart. Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will gain a good reputation. Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will direct your paths. Don't be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn your back on evil. Then you will gain renewed health and vitality.” (Proverbs 3:1-9 NLV).

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"A Prescription for Life" (Part 4)

“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires.” (Psalm 37:4 NLV).

Out of David’s psalm we find the second principle to apply. We need to delight in the Lord. When this happens we will experience joy and peace.

Good things don’t happen quickly. Good spiritual things don’t happen quickly either. In his book The Uttermost Star, F.W. Boreham told about attending a farewell service for a minister who was leaving a church he had pastored for 20 years. Several preachers attended, and each eloquently extolled the pastor's virtues. Boreham commented that he had forgotten everything said that day except for a simple statement made by a man who was not even scheduled to speak. The man had asked permission to say a word, and in a single sentence had paid his pastor this compliment: "I have seen him nearly every day of my life for 20 years, and I've never seen him in a hurry!" After the service, the minister said he considered that tribute to be the most gratifying. He took it as an indication that over the years he had truly learned to wait patiently upon the Lord.

We will never learn to delight ourselves in the Lord until we get into His presence through
prayer and meditation in the Scripture! David’s promise in this psalm is not a blanket promise from God to get whatever we want. When we learn to delight in the Lord or get delighted and excited with the Lord, His wants will be our wants! His desires will be our desires! This verse of Scripture does not give us a blank check for anything and everything we want just because we come to Him! But if we truly learn to delight in the Lord and get excited about our relationship to Him, He will bless our lives with greater peace and joy, and less stress, worry and fear!

When I was a very young boy my dad and I would go fishing together. He always caught more fish than I did. When I would ask “why?” he would reply that I “wasn’t holding my mouth right.” I suppose that was his way of just telling me to keep trying. I know that I began to watch him more and more closely, trying to “hold my mouth” just like his. I would wear my cap like he did, walk like he did, cast like he did. Everything he did, I tried to emulate it so that I could catch as many fish as he did. And you know what? It started to work. I started to catch more fish than I ever had before. He still caught more, but that only made me want to be like him more!

I loved being with my dad when we went fishing. I delighted in his presence beside me. We talked about so many things that have meant so much to me through the years. Little bits of wisdom that he imparted to me have made a difference in my life to this day. Our relationship with our heavenly Father ought to be like that also. Taking delight in the Lord means that we take the time to be with Him so that we can observe Him. By reading the Scripture and praying we learn to “hold our mouth right”! Remember this is not an “exercise.” It ought not to be another item on a list that is already so full that you can never get to it all. It issues out of a genuine desire to be with Him. Delight in the Lord and you’ll learn to “hold your mouth right!”

Saturday, January 8, 2011

"A Prescription for Life" (Part 3)

“Those who listen to instruction will prosper; those who trust the Lord will be happy.” (Proverbs 16:20-20).

Today we see the first principle necessary to experience the victory God desires for us is to trust in the Lord. Just ten years ago the following people were listed as some of the wealthiest people in the world. Talk show host Oprah Winfrey and rapper Puff Daddy were among the “40 Highest-Paid Entertainers” named by Forbes that year. Winfrey, whose top-rated talk show, "The Oprah Winfrey Show," celebrated its 13th season in 2001 with a renewed mission, ranked 4th on the list by earning an estimated $125 million income. Winfrey, who also topped the list in 1996, ranked 3rd in 2000 with an income of $150 million. Sean "Puffy" Combs, who goes by the stage name Puff Daddy, earned an estimated $53.5 million, which placed him 15th on Forbes’ list. Famed female group the Spice Girls, who included Black member Melanie "Scary Spice" Brown, came in at 20 on the list with estimated earnings of $49 million. Comedian-actor Eddie Murphy was listed 22nd, earning $47.5 million, while rapper-comedian-actor Will Smith, who earned $34 million, ranked 36 on the list. Also, actress Julia Roberts made $50 million that year. Tom Hanks made only $71.5 million. Michael Jordan raked in $40 million and he didn’t even do anything! Filmmaker George Lucas topped them all
by making $400 million! It would be interesting to compare them now, a decade later. I’m sure you will easily recognize the absence of some of them from the list!

I don’t want to dwell too long on that comparison however. We can say it is often very easy for us to imagine what it might be like to be that wealthy. It is altogether too easy to become enamored with the rich and the famous and want to be like them! But, to trust in them, or even to trust in that kind of wealth is a serious mistake. It is one of the devil’s favorite lies! Our trust should not be in money nor in money people, but in the Lord! Our reading declares a warning that we not put our trust in people, no matter what their accomplishments. The psalmist declares, “Put your trust in the Lord.” People come and go but not the Lord! He is eternal, from everlasting to everlasting! He has no beginning and no end. Put your trust in Him. The key is how? Let me make some practical suggestions:

1. First, believe that God desires only the best for you. This may not mean wealth, prominence, or popularity. It may mean a life of sacrifice and difficulty as exemplified in the life of Mother Theresa, who gave her life to work with the sick and poor of India. That was the best place for her. It was the place God had for her that would mean her highest level of joy and peace.

2. Second, recognize that God has an eternal plan for you. When we are in the midst of difficulty, it is so easy to focus on the immediate. God is working in our lives for our eternal good and the eternal good of others. What may seem to be very bad now may only be the first step toward accomplishing a great good in our lives or the lives of others.

3. Third, rest in God today. Satan wants us to believe that God is uncaring and untrustworthy. Nothing could be further from the truth. Be still today and rest in Him. You will prosper!

"A Prescription for Life" (Part 2)

It may be that you feel as though you have been through the “rinse cycle” of life! You are burdened. You have a heavy heart. You feel as though little or nothing has gone right for you in life. Nothing but negative things has come your way. I think all of us go through the “rinse cycle” of life at some time or other. I’ve seen very few people in life who haven’t had something bad happen to them.

Dr. Leroy Lawson is an excellent preacher and writer. For many years he was the Senior Minister at the large Central Christian Church in Mesa, Arizona. He has written many books and has been a featured speaker at the North American Christian Convention. Leroy Lawson has always been a faithful and dedicated preacher and teacher of God’s Word. Although I don’t know him personally I just figured that everything just had to be well for him in life. NOT SO! Several years ago, while preaching at the North American Christian Convention, he could hardly keep from crying. In that sermon he told how he had recently lost his 21-year-old son in death. His son had committed suicide. Leroy and his wife and family had been through the “rinse cycle” of life.

That happens to all of us at one time or another. The devil’s “prescription” for life is resignation. God has a different way for us to live. There’s an old story of a cowboy who walked out of the saloon only to discover that someone had painted his horse’s tail red. As people looked with laughter, he was burning with rage. He asked, “Does anybody know who did this?” “I saw who done it!” someone shouted. “He was wearin’ a vest but no hat. And he went straight from here to the hardware store over there.” “I’ll tear him from limb to limb,” said the cowboy. And he stormed off in the direction of the store. He flung open the door and said, “Did somebody in here paint my horse’s tail red? If so, let him be a man about it and step forward.” A huge blacksmith stepped out from behind a stack of barbed wire. His arms were big as posts, and he appeared to be chiseled from rock. Everyone in the store became silent as he snarled, “I did it. And just what do you have to say about it?” The cowboy looked at the massive blacksmith and sized up his options and said, “It sure looks to me like the first coat is dry. Do you want to apply the second coat or should I?”

The point of my story is this: The devil is a lot bigger and a lot stronger than we think! And make no mistake about it: He is out to deceive us and destroy us and paint our tails red, so to speak! He wants to bully us into believing that he cannot be overcome. God has something else to say:

“What do you think the Scriptures mean when they say that the Holy Spirit, whom God has placed within us, jealously longs for us to be faithful? He gives us more and more strength to stand against such evil desires. As the Scriptures say, ‘God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble.’ So humble yourselves before God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you. Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you.” (James 4:4-8 NLV).

There are three practical things we can do to take advantage of this promise. In the next three days we’ll examine each one in detail. For now, begin to think about each of them in your life. They really are God’s prescription for life! The first is to trust in the Lord. Second, we ought to delight in the Lord. And, third, we must commit our full and total lives to the Lord. Satan is powerful, but he is not all-powerful! Our God is all-powerful!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Prescription for Life" (Part 1)

Not long ago my son Kyle and I were waiting at the pharmacy to pick up some new prescriptions the surgeon had prescribed for me. One of them was a relatively new drug and was not available in generic. The pharmacist explained that it would be significantly more expensive than the other two I was getting. He also went on to explain that often there are nonprescription forms of drugs that sometimes can be substituted, though that was not the case here. What he said began to spark a thought. He said in reference to the nonprescription substitutes, “They’re just like it, except…” I was very amused at how easy it was to say it was identical except for the exceptions.

This morning we will begin a little series that was born out of this experience. The devil would love to convince us that his way of life is just the same as God’s way, with “just a few exceptions!” First, read the words of David:

“Don't worry about the wicked. Don't envy those who do wrong. For like grass, they soon fade away. Like springtime flowers, they soon wither. Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart's desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you. He will make your innocence as clear as the dawn, and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun. Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” (Psalm 37:1-7 NLV).

It’s easy to imagine that life could be better, especially when we are faced with the problem of bad things happening to good people. There is an old humorous story often told with an excellent point. It seems a little boy went into a grocery store and asked the clerk for a box of Duz detergent. The clerk said, “What do you need the detergent for?” The little boy replied, “I want to wash my dog.” The clerk said, “Well, son, that Duz detergent is pretty strong for washing a little dog.” The little boy said, “But that’s what I want.” The clerk said, “Well, okay, if you’re sure. But you need to be careful when you wash your dog in it. That Duz detergent is very strong. It might kill him.” About a week later the little boy came back into the store and the clerk recognized him and asked, “Son, how’s your dog?” The little boy said, “He’s dead.” The clerk replied, “Oh, I’m sorry, but I told you that Duz detergent was awfully strong and that it might kill him.” The little boy shook his head and said, “I don’t think it was the Duz detergent that killed him. I think it was the rinse cycle that got him.”

There are a few practical things we ought to recognize in this first part of our study concerning the real prescription for joy in our lives:

1. First, bad things happen to us in life because the devil is a real, evil spiritual being who is out to get us. We all must be aware that the devil is real. He is evil. He is a spiritual being. He is powerful. And he is out to get us! “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around...looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in your faith...” (I Peter 5:8-9).

2. Second, bad things happen to us in life also because we live in an imperfect world where imperfect things happen all the time. Cars break down, our health goes bad, and money sometimes runs out. It just happens in life and to the best of people.

3. Third, we also experience bad things in life because we sin. This is something that most of us don’t like to face up to or recognize, but it’s true! “Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap! We always reap what we sow! This is God’s ordained law in life.” (Galatians 6:7-8). If we sow good things, we will reap good things. If we sow bad things, we will reap bad things.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"The Obituary"

I read the following “obituary” recently. I know you will immediately recognize it as humor though it does give me cause to think a bit more deeply.

“A spokesperson advised today that the Pillsbury Doughboy has died due to repeated pokes to the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in one of the largest funeral ceremonies in recent years. Dozens of celebrities turned out including Mrs. Butterworth, the California Raisins, Hungry Jack, Betty Crocker and, the Hostess Twinkies. The graveside was piled high with flours, as long-time friend Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy describing Doughboy as "a man who never knew how much he was kneaded." The Doughboy rose quickly in show business but his later life was filled with many turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie, wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Still even as a crusty old man he was a roll model for millions. Doughboy was survived by his second wife, Play Dough. They have two children and one in the oven. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes. Doughboy will be missed by many who loved to poke fun at him.”

After my recent experience getting ready for surgery I must admit that I did do a few things “just in case.” My family all thought I was being “morbid,” but I have walked with too many people during their grief that experienced regret at not having said or done that “one last thing.” I wrote letters to each one of my family expressing my deep love for them and made sure to physically talk with each one before going into surgery. As I told them, you never know the moment that you may be called home. It caused me to do one other thing though; I also spent a few moments in self-examination. I ended at the same place I normally do: though I have been, and now am a sinner, the grace of God through Jesus Christ is more than sufficient to keep me. Toward the end of the Apostle Paul’s life, he wrote the following

“I no longer count on my own goodness or my ability to obey God's law, but I trust Christ to save me. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith. As a result, I can really know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I can learn what it means to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that, somehow, I can experience the resurrection from the dead! I don't mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be. No, dear brothers and sisters, I am still not all I should be, but I am focusing all my energies on this one thing - forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.” (Philippians 3:9-14 NLV).

If we desire to reach the end of our lives with as few regrets as possible, having “run the race” with as much victory as Paul, the following practical suggestions ought to be helpful.

1. First, run with maximum effort. Paul said he had focused “all his energies.” We ought to ask ourselves how much effort do we really exert when it comes to living our lives as God would have us live.
2. Second, run with the assurance of forgiveness. Paul forgot “the past” looked “forward to what lied ahead.” It is just another way of saying never let past failures or future fears rob you of present joy.
3. Third, run to the end. Paul said he strained to “reach the end of the race.” It is so easy to quit in the face of difficulty. There is an end to all of our races. There we will find the prize of eternal life in Christ. Just don’t quit running!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

"Unleash the Power" (Part 4)

The third thing we need to do in order to unleash the power of prayer into our lives is to pray seeking understanding. As we walk with God we need for Him to give us understanding or we will become disillusioned and end up walking away or spending all of our time frustrated.

"Is anyone thirsty? Come and drink – even if you have no money! Come, take your choice of wine or milk – it's all free! Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.” (Isaiah 55:1-2, 9 NLV).

There is a marked difference between my thoughts and God’s thoughts. A situation can take place in my life and I can give you my opinion in a heartbeat. I continue to learn that my opinions and judgments are oftentimes wrong. What I need is understanding, and understanding concerning life begins and ends at the throne of God. It doesn’t matter the situation, if we do not have God’s understanding then our walk with Him can be devastated by our erroneous conclusions.

Mrs. Hanover can testify to what I am saying. She had been praying for her husband to come to know Christ for years when he was suddenly killed in an automobile accident. She became so angry with God for not answering her prayers that she stopped serving him for more than five years. Her conclusion was wrong, God had answered her prayers, but she didn’t know it. What Mrs. Hanover didn’t know was that on May 7th, a young man named Roger Simms was hitchhiking his way home after getting out of the army. His heavy suitcase made Roger tired. He was anxious to take off his army uniform once and for all. Flashing the hitchhiking sigh to the oncoming car, he lost hope when he saw it was a black, sleek, new Cadillac. To his surprise the car stopped. The passenger door opened. He ran toward the car, tossed his suitcase in the back, and thanked the handsome, well-dressed man as he slid into the front seat. "Going home for keeps?" "Sure am," Roger responded. "Well, you’re in luck if you’re going to Chicago." "Not quite that far. Do you live in Chicago?" "I have a business there. My name is Hanover."

After talking about many things, Roger, a Christian, felt a compulsion to witness to him about Christ. But he kept putting it off until he realized he was just thirty minutes from his home. It was now or never. So, Roger cleared his throat, "Mr. Hanover, I would like to talk to you about something very important." He then proceeded to explain the way of salvation, ultimately asking Mr. Hanover if he would like to receive Christ as his Savior. To Roger’s astonishment the Cadillac pulled over to the side of the road. Roger thought he was going to be ejected from the car. But the businessman bowed his head and received Christ, then thanked Roger. "This is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me."

Five years went by, Roger married, had a two-year-old boy, and a business of his own. Packing his suitcase for a business trip to Chicago, he found the small, white business card Hanover had given him five years before. In Chicago he looked up Hanover Enterprises. A receptionist told him it was impossible to see Mr. Hanover, but he could see Mrs. Hanover. A little confused as to what was going on, he was ushered into a lovely office and found himself in the presence of a lovely woman in her fifties. She extended her hand. "You knew my husband?" Roger told how her husband had given him a ride when hitchhiking home after the war. "Can you tell me when that was?" "It was May 7, five years ago, the day I was discharged from the army." "Anything special about that day?" Roger hesitated. Roger wondered if he should tell her about sharing Christ with her husband, but since he had come so far, he decided that he might as well take the plunge. "Mrs. Hanover, I explained the gospel. He pulled over to the side of the road and wept against the steering wheel. He gave his life to Christ that day." Explosive sobs shook her body. Getting a grip on herself, she sobbed, "I had prayed for my husband’s salvation for years. I believed God would save him." "And," said Roger, "Where is your husband, Mrs. Hanover?" "He’s dead," she wept, struggling with words. "He was in a car crash after he let you out of the car. He never got home. You see, I thought God had not kept His promise." Sobbing uncontrollably, she added, "I stopped living for God five years ago because I thought He had not kept His word!"

We need understanding or we, like Mrs. Hanover, will become disillusioned with God and walk away. When we come to God not asking for a handout, but with hands lifted up in dependence and adoration of His glory and majesty, then something awesome takes place. God changes us from powerless people content with sitting on the sidelines to powerful people who will be used to bring Him honor and glory. God is stirring within me a serious call to prayer. I want to invite you to unleash His power in your life by turning to Him in prayer. Don’t pray seeking power, pray seeking the face of God and in turn, without you ever recognizing what is going on, He will empower you with His power - power that cannot be overcome. Pray seeking intimacy… pray seeking dependency… pray seeking understanding. That will unleash the power!