By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable
sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God
commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died,
he still speaks. By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death,
and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was
commended as having pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please
him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he
rewards those who seek him. (Hebrews 11:4-6 ESV).
Today we begin to look at the examples of faith the writer uses to teach his readers more about the essential nature of faith in pleasing God as we draw nearer to Him. Abel is the first old covenant saint held up to us as an example of faith (v. 4). The story of Abel is taken from one of the first examples of life outside the Garden of Eden (cf. Genesis 4:1–5). It is intended to teach us an important lesson about how true faith manifests itself in the kinds of things we offer to the Lord.
The writer says that God “had
regard”—was pleased with—Abel’s offering but not with Cain’s. Over the
centuries, theologians have tried to discern what set Abel’s gift apart as
acceptable to the Lord. Many have suggested that the problem was that Abel
offered a blood sacrifice while Cain offered a grain sacrifice. This is
understandable, since we know sin cannot be forgiven except through the
offering of blood (cf. Hebrews 9:22). However, Genesis does not tell us that
God rejected Cain’s sacrifice because it was grain, not blood. Furthermore,
grain offerings were prescribed in the Mosaic law and thus were acceptable to
Him when offered rightly (cf. Leviticus 2). “When offered rightly” is key.
Genesis 4:4 says that Abel brought the “firstborn” and the “fat portions” for
an offering—the first and the best. Verse 3 says only that Cain brought an
“offering of the fruit of the ground.” This suggests that the problem was that
Cain did not bring the first and best but offered his sacrifice to the Lord as
an afterthought. Not being motivated by true faith, Cain did not bring the
firstfruits of his labor. Abel, however, trusted God to provide for his needs
even if he gave the best of his labor. That is the posture of faith.
The author of Hebrews then turns to the
history of Enoch (cf. Genesis 5:21–24). Scripture says very little about him
except that he “walked with God”. The ancient Greek translation of the original
Old Testament Hebrew text, called the Septuagint, says in this verse that Enoch
“pleased God.” To “walk with God” is a Hebrew idiom for obeying Him, so
“pleased God” is an acceptable reading of the text. In any case, Enoch stood
out in his generation for his faithfulness to the Lord, his walking with God
being rooted and grounded in faith. This reminds us that any good we do cannot
truly please God unless it is motivated by our trust in Him and His promises.
Faith leads us into a saving relationship with our Creator, and that faith
bears the fruit of love for Him and for our neighbor. These are two powerful
examples for us today!
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