Thursday, May 23, 2024

Soaring Like an Eagle


To whom then will you compare me, that I should be like him? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these? He who brings out their host by number, calling them all by name; by the greatness of his might and because he is strong in power, not one is missing. Why do you say, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, “My way is hidden from the LORD, and my right is disregarded by my God”? Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable. He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:25-31 ESV).


In many places around the world, birds are a significant part of human culture. Just look at flags, stamps, coins, and bills from a variety of nations, and you’ll see a wide array of winged creatures. Do you know which birds are celebrated where you live? Canada loves the loon because it conveys solitude and peacefulness. China highlights the stork because it symbolizes longevity and wisdom. New Zealand favors the kiwi because of its uniqueness, and India prizes the peacock as a symbol of immortality and resurrection. Ancient Egypt famously profiled the eagle as an emblem of protection and strength, and dozens of countries, including the United States, claim the eagle as their national bird.


Eagles are truly majestic creatures that symbolize strength and independence. Catching sight of an eagle as it soars high above the earth can be breathtaking, and watching one swoop and maneuver its immense wings is awe-inspiring. The reference to eagles in Isaiah 40 is a comfort for God’s people in a time of weariness and struggle. Our matchless Creator and Sustainer gives us his strength and glory, filling us with the capacity to do far more than we think is possible.


We may feel weak and powerless in our current circumstances, but because of who we are in Christ, we can hold on to the promise that in his strength we will “soar on wings like eagles.”


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