Friday, November 29, 2024

Be Strong and Courageous


[Moses said] “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6 ESV).


The last days of November are always a bit challenging for me in the writing of Morning Devotionals. It’s a bit early to begin Christmas devotionals and it’s past Thanksgiving. Of course, I know it never too early or too late to talk about gratitude or the birth of Jesus. However, it is a natural “crease” in the timing of the calendar for the devotionals. So, as I sit at the computer and peck away at the keys, my hope is that I will settle on a topic that might prove encouraging and helpful to my readers. Thus, I’ve chosen what has been my life verse since I was twenty years old.


In 1969 my pastor and mentor, Bailey Stone, told me that it was time that I be ordained. That was a terrifying thought at that time. In our denomination it required an ordaining council to be convened. There were seven pastors and deacons on the council, which was led by Bailey. He was very diligent in preparing me for the questions that would be posed to me. Then after the questioning they would each vote to decide whether I was ready for ordination to the ministry.


The questioning took about two hours. The topics were varied and sometimes difficult. Some of the topics dealt with interpretation of Scripture, while others were more practically focused on philosophy of ministry. I was prepared and evidently passed the scrutiny of the council as the vote was unanimous to recommend ordination. It was both terrifying and exhilarating. They scheduled an ordination service rather quickly. The council would report to the congregation their findings and recommendation for a vote from the church. Following an affirmative vote, the service would proceed with all ordained ministers coming to me and laying hands on me, praying over me. It was a moving experience hearing the prayers and Scriptures quoted over me by all these men. The last to pray was my pastor. Gently and softly he whispered his prayer in my ear and quoted the verse in our reading today. Little did I know how essential that verse would become. Through every challenging moment of my life I remembered that there was nothing to be feared as the Lion of Judah walked beside me and protected me from all. Jesus would never forsake me. It is the same for you as well! Trust the Lion!


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