Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations, and repays to their face those who hate him, by destroying them. (Deuteronomy 7:9 ESV).
Some of you may be aware that I went into the hospital last Friday “for a test.” After a regular visit with my PCP I was immediately sent to the cardiologist for further evaluation. After that appointment, we reached the conclusion that a heart catheterization was the best next step given the symptoms and my previous history with cardiovascular disease. I was diagnosed with the disease and two stents were placed in the arties feeding into my heart in 2018. We arrived early on Friday morning and were taken to the Cath Lab to prepare for the procedure. I knew that it would likely result in another stent, if not something more invasive. Well, indeed, another stent was placed on the left side of my heart. That required an overnight stay in the hospital. I am doing very well, though somewhat restricted in my activities at this time. Out of this experience I have been reminded of some things:
First, and foremost, God
is always faithful. Typically I say that with the simple phrase
of “God’s got this!” Once the diagnosis was clear, I was not fearful of death.
I was fearful of an interrupted schedule. Well, once again I was reminded that
God has that too. I have no right to claim my
schedule. The Scripture says: The years
of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away
(Psalm 90:10 ESV). I’m 71 (soon to be 72) years old. I have no delusions about
my “strength” nor the additional ten years the Scripture indicates. However, I
also KNOW that the Lord has never forsaken me and won’t begin now. He will
finish what He began taking me to my eternal home in His time. This was a great
reminder of God’s faithfulness.
Second, I needed a time to be reminded that
God’s way is always good. I have lived long
enough to now have about as many folks on the other side as I do on this side.
I suppose that’s one of the marvelous lessons of life. Heaven is always “more.”
I need to be reminded of that in the midst of the delightful anticipation of
being with those I love that remain. No wonder Paul could say, “For if we live, we live to the Lord, and if
we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the
Lord’s” (Romans 14:8 ESV). You see, death is no longer an enemy to be feared; it is finishing our
course with victory. It is painful for those left behind, still traveling. But
for those of us who are finished with the journey, it is the greatest victory
of life!
Perhaps you are in this place today where life seems to be so useless. It is not. It is God’s plan to deliver the greatest good to you. Perhaps your struggle is more about the continual battle for control over your life than trusting God’s eternal faithfulness. Well, I hope today’s devotional will be a gentle reminder that His way is always best! He IS faithful forever!
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