Friday, August 10, 2018

God is Faithful

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:12-13 ESV).
God is faithful to make a way for us. It is true that sin and death do not go away quietly or easily when we are born again. In fact, we know from the Scripture that they will only go down swinging to the last. However, in the Last Day, but they will go down nonetheless (cf. Revelation 20:10-15). They will be destroyed once and for all because God is faithful. The Apostle Paul wants us to understand this principle clearly. Our reading today declares that God’s faithfulness overcomes every obstacle and circumstance. It is almost easy to come to this truth when facing our temptations; however, when we consider the finality and reality of death, we typically come to the conclusion that no one escapes that. Death always seems to win. Well, that’s fine and good, you might say. The good news is that we don’t merely win over death; we don’t simply escape it narrowly. We conquer it. We do so because God has made a way through this life in his faithfulness to keep his promise to redeem us. The resurrection proves this truth. It was Jesus first and then the rest of us to follow. It’s almost football season again. This year will certainly look different for Texas A&M. We have a new staff, new philosophy, and an entirely new playbook defensively and offensively. Our hopes are high, even though we are scheduled to play the number one and number two teams in the nation in our first four games. Will A&M win those games? It is certainly a lofty expectation. The variables are many; and, the odds are against it. As believers we don’t need to consider the variables or the odds. It has already been accomplished. The “score” has already been settled. We’re just waiting for the final whistle! And remember, we don’t merely escape; we win! Conquering is better than mere escape. And this is the promise of God, first with the rainbow promise and then with the crimson blood of Christ. God has made a way out, through faith, to remove the sting of death and conquer hell forever. He did it by His grace in His Son Jesus Christ who conquered death as incontrovertible evidence that God is faithful. When I begin to wonder if I can make it, all I need to do is remember what God has already done. The empty tomb is the absolute proof of His faithfulness!

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