Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Remembered Grace - Pt 1

D.L. Moody, one of the great evangelists of the 19th Century, founder of Moody Church, and staunch believer in the grace of God tells the following story: I remember preaching one night in winter—one of the coldest winters we had—the winter after the Chicago fire. I had been studying up grace, and it was the first time I had spoken of it, and I was just full of it. I started out of the house, I remember, and the first man I met I asked him if he knew anything about the grace of God, and I tried to preach to him. This man thought I was crazy. I ran on and met another, and finally got up to the meeting. That night I thought I was speaking to a lot of people who felt as I did about grace, and when I got through I asked any one who would like to hear about grace—who had any interest in it, tp stay. I expected some would have stayed, but what was my mortification to see the whole audience rise up and go away. They hadn't any interest in grace; they didn't want to learn anything about grace. I put my coat and hat on and was going out of the hall, when I saw a poor fellow at the back of the furnace crying. "I want to hear about the grace of God," said he. "You're the man I want, then," said I. "Yes," the poor fellow said, "you said in your sermon that it was free, and I want you to tell me something about it." Well, I got to talking to him, and he told me a pitiful stoty. He had drank away twenty thousand dollars, his home had been broken up, and his wife and children had left him. I spoke to him, and it was not long before we were down together praying. That night I got him a night's lodging in the Bethel, and next day we got him on his feet, and when I went to Europe he was one of the most earnest workers we had. He was just a partaker of grace—believed that the peace of God was sufficient for him, and he took God at his word and he was a saved man. It is so strange to me how many are simply not interested in hearing the grace of God. Many have grown too “sophisticated” to hear the old story of God’s redemption of mankind. They prefer more “practical” preaching. It reminds me of the Apostle Paul’s opening remark to the Church at Corinth: For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV). I’m sitting here at the dining table writing today (my desktop CPU has not arrived yet after the crash of my old one); and, I can look up and see the newest addition to our family room. It is a full mount of an Eastern Gobbler that I harvested last spring with my friend, Sheriff Bucky Rowland. It is a very good job of taxidermy, but the greatest joy is not in the mount. My greatest happiness comes from glancing at it and remembering the details of the hunt. I can remember the sights, sounds, and smells of that crisp early spring morning. It never ceases to bring me joy. I even remember how excited Bucky was that I finally got one! He was nearly as excited as I was! For me, that’s how it is when I recall the grace of God. Today we will begin a short series dealing with God’s grace. Please understand that for those who are the children of God there is always a desire to hear more about this wonderful gift He has given us. It is only those who have not received it that view it as foolish prattle. My prayer is that you will receive great joy in hearing it again. If not, come to Jesus. It is a gift He desires you to have!

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