Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Extreme Makeovers

And what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 1:19-20 ESV). Just the other night I was reading a book and a program came on the TV that I haven’t seen in a long while, Extreme Makeovers. I was too lazy and too far away from the remote to change it, so it continued to play in the background. It is one of the many reality shows that have been so popular where people are selected for “extreme” plastic surgery or other alterations to enhance their appearance. In this episode I must confess that the difference between the “before and after” was striking with both individuals. I began to think about that. It seemed like a fairy tale, really too good to be true. The skeptical part of me remembered the old adage, "If it seems too good to be true, then it probably isn’t." Then I remembered Jesus' conversations with Nicodemus the religious leader and the woman at the well. Both of these had their lives transformed by Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Nicodemus took awhile to reach, but transformation did come. The woman at the well did find her life transformation in less than an hour! This outcast woman left her water jug at the well, having found living water from Jesus, and led her whole village to life transformation. They were not alone in finding transformation! The book of Acts is full of stories of transformation. One of the very hardest to miss is the one in Acts 2 which resulted in 3,000 people experiencing life transformation. Paul reminds the Corinthians of their incredible transformation from being sinners to being God's holy children. Even notorious people of Crete (cf. Titus 1:12) had experienced this life transformation! These life transformations didn't come from a seminar, a book, or a philosophy. They were not the result of a "for pay" advertised life-plan. These life transformations came because people caught a glimpse of Jesus what he has done to bring them life through his own death and resurrection, what he can do in their daily lives, and what he will do in the face of their own physical death. These people turned their lives over to Jesus in faith, trusting in his power to save and being baptized in his name. The true power of transformation, the Holy Spirit, was set loose to work in them. Nothing would ever be the same for them! Every time I find myself getting a little cynical about people, the Lord confronts my hard heart with the truth: if I believe in Jesus, I must believe in the power of the resurrection that is set loose in those who believe in him. Life transformation is possible because of Jesus' grace and the power of the Holy Spirit. Life transformation in less than an hour is not only possible, it has happened for thousands of years to untold number of people. Maybe it needs to happen on your life today! Let the Holy Spirit begin an extreme makeover in your life!

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