Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fig Leaves or Fur Coats?

The man called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living. And the LORD God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skins and clothed them. (Genesis 3:20-21 ESV). There are many “firsts” in the Book of Genesis. The story of creation and the placing of Adam and Eve in the garden are both fascinating and wonderful. The ending of that story turns to sorrow and judgment after they sin. I have read the account many times, studying the intricacies of the message often. It is one of the great revelations of God’s grace. One of the stark contrasts for me is that between the clothes Adam and Eve made for themselves after they realized their “nakedness” and those which God fashioned for them as they were driven outside the garden. They went from fig leaves to fur coats! It must have been eye-opening to see the animals God had to kill in order to make their garments. Remember that Adam had seen them all; he had named them. Their diversity and grandeur must have been striking. And, nothing had died up to that point. Everything was living. The story is well known. Adam and Eve sinned and they covered themselves with fig leaves; however, God essentially said, "It is not going to be the same anymore. Here are some skins. Those skins came from animals—these animals died for you. Something had to happen because of your sin." We don't think much about the repercussions of sin. That couple who decides to get a divorce because they aren't getting along anymore often doesn't think about their children. They don't think about the long-term effects. The person who steals something doesn't think about the effect on the person they stole from. They don't think about the way it is going to hurt others and hurt them. God had warned Adam that if he ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, he would die (cf. Genesis 2:17). And that death came through Adam to permeate every human after him (cf. Romans 5:12). First, there was the death of animals, and then came the death of human beings, all because of their sin entering the world. There is such a simple message here. Man's religion is fig leaves, attempting to cover things up. God's religion is one that ultimately points to the sacrifice of Jesus, because He was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world. In the aftermath of Adam and Eve's sin, the first Messianic prophesy was given (cf. Genesis 3:15). God would right this wrong because only He was capable of doing so. It is the message of the atonement for our sins and the granting of eternal life through Christ. Are you still wearing your fig leaves? God has better for you!

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