Monday, February 20, 2012

What's Your Mission?

I know, O LORD, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O LORD, but in justice; not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing. (Jeremiah 10:23-24 ESV).

Not long ago I spent some time talking with a friend of mine from Texas. He was going through a very difficult time in his life. He was asking me for advice. His wife had left with their three children and had given him her decision to seek a divorce. It was a complicated matter that had been dealt with somewhat for over six years. However, the ultimate question he was asking centered on what he should do. I asked him the same question I have asked many people through the years: “What do you want to do?” His reply was very revealing. He simply didn’t know. When I further led him to explore what would bring him happiness, it became obvious that he didn’t have a mission in life.

Some people call that passion, “ambition,” or “life goal.” It is different for different people. Some center their lives on popularity, money and possessions, political power, friends, or peer acceptance. If we use any of these to determine success or happiness, it will lead to a meaningless, unfulfilled life.

By these standards, Jesus could be considered a failure. But he lived by a different standard, and over the centuries his life has influenced billions of men and women. How did Jesus become so successful? He had definite priorities for his life centered around his relationship to his heavenly Father. No matter what problems arose or what people said or did, Jesus focused his time and energy on his relationship to Him.

What are the priorities for your life? Many people scurry through each day with little or no sense of direction. There always seems to be too much to do. Urgent or popular things often get in the way of things that really matter to them. Thus, they feel stressed out and dissatisfied with life. Don't make that mistake. Decide what is really important to you in the long run. Then focus on doing the best you can on your specific priorities.
Finally, regardless of how things may look or what others think or do, it is God's view that is important, not the world's. So, like Jesus, make it your ambition to live each day within God's will. Measuring life by God's standards worked for Jesus, and it will work for you too.

Ask yourself a serious question: What is there worth giving your life to? Once you have decided what is eternally important. All the other questions fall into an easy order. The answers become very clear. Ask the Lord what He would direct you to do with your life. Write your mission statement for life and then let it be the beacon that directs your path in daily decisions. Get your passion in life clearly defined and success is then only a step at a time away!

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